It’s one big corner

To Lepak!

Did you know lepak is in the Oxford dictionaries? Well, with Labour Day coming (it’s 1st May), maybe you’d want to lepak with everyone else at Hong Lim Park!

From the Stand Up for SG page:

This Labour Day, come and Lepak one corner, at the Speaker’s Corner! : )
We want to remember why we work so hard and find the opposite of worry.
Join us, bring something to share and see what happens next!

Stand Up On May Day – Make Hong Lim Happy! from Big Red Button on Vimeo.

Bouncy castle! Yay! You know what would make this more awesome? A Milo truck. But we can’t have everything. At least, I don’t think there would be one. Still, a picnic!

I’ll bring my own Milo or tea and ukulele. And probably try out some songs and record some videos there or something. It will be fun.

And that’s it for today’s post. Yes, I had adventures during the weekend but I figure, hey you can have your own too by knowing this!