Game: Rojak Institute

This is Rojak Institute

There was a time in 2007 where I made a game with a bunch of ladies (plus one guy who helped out!) called Rojak Institute. We premiered it at Cosfest (Singapore) and Comic Fiesta (Malaysia) in 2007 but we made the game in the one year before that. Or technically less than a year.

So it started around in mid 2006 that Kei grabbed a bunch of us writers, illustrators and programmers to do a visual novel game. Mind you, we were either working/interning/schooling. Mostly in school.

Rojak Institute had original art, story and heck MUSIC.

You can download the game for free here: Rojak Institute Episode 1 (29.3MB)

It is originally made in flash and was sold at our conventions in CD-Rs with printed bookmarks so it auto ran when you placed it in your computer.

To start, since this is a download, click opening.exe. If you’re on a Mac, click opening.swf.

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