A Lot Less Funny

 Ok the papers on the 3rd.

TIME TO CHANNEL MY INNER SUMIKO TAN. If you don’t read the Straits Times, I don’t blame you. I’m sure you have other things to do like instagram your food or tweet something. Me too, my friends. Me too.

The only time I read the Straits Times is when I go straight to the Life! Section and scan the pages to see if I’m in it.


Ok, maybe not.

But I do check the comics section first and LO AND BEHOLD, the comics section is now… JUST TWO STRIPS? WHAT THE BANANAYS IS THAT? No. No. Did I drop a page and did my cat eat it? Of course not, that’s silly. My cat wouldn’t eat the paper. It is not that attractive to consume. Was it my imagination that this comic section was now less of a section and more of random COPY PASTA ON A PAGE?


I noticed this phenomenon when they started last Sunday or so when the comics strips were reduced to one page instead of three. Ok. Ok. That’s alright… I think? Maybe the papers had something more important to write about in the Life! section. At least the local strip by Miel was there.

The thing is, I wasn’t the only one who noticed this new thing ST was trying out.

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