Down the Road

HP stuff!

Harry Potter night was held on the afternoon at Orchard Library on the 7th Feb since well, a lot of us could only make it in the afternoon of a weekend.

Nifty stickers were had and stuff from the library too!

Lime juice at JTown.

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After the little soiree hosted by Midnight the Magnificent (her nick on Nanowrimo), I led my friends to Orchard Midpoint for J Town!

That’s Jakarta town, not Japan town. Anyway, I got the little office lady, Fuchico from Tokyu Hands. I might want to get more of her.

The crowds down the street

And it’s the second last episode of pedestrian night at Orchard road apparently.

If you want to catch pedestrian night, looks like next month is the last installment of it. That’s the first Saturday of the month and it starts at 6.30pm.

I don’t know what’s March programme is but it just is nice to walk down that road when usually it’s just traffic?

Mind you, it IS a hassle when you realize there’s traffic divergence and all but I think we’ve learned about it by now?

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