Twitter On

Twitter SG

I got invited to Twitter Singapore’s new office.


Because I am… a power user as they say, in their words.

Or is it because I spam a lot or sometimes make things viral, I don’t know.

It was a little disconcerting when I said who I was on twitter and the staff there were all !!! at the door.


Anyway, wooo. This is one of their pantries or at least the one near reception. It’s so fancy.

Continue reading Twitter On

After what? Aftershock PC


I got a new laptop! Her name is FURIOSA. She’s a new rig from Aftershock.

Why a new laptop? Cause my previous one was somehow missing?

I don’t know but I couldn’t wait for a PC show or sales and such. I needed a new one.

After asking everyone and posting on FB and twitter, pretty much with the requirements I wanted, Aftershock seemed to be it!

OH WAIT YAH, this is not an advertorial.

This is me going AHHHHHHHH cause now everyone seems to want to get an Aftershock after my ‘research’ and everyone else’s machines dying.

Ok. The research was pretty much discussing with everyone online which would be best with my requirements and then everyone figured out their own and yeah… That’s it really.

SO YEAH, this was how it went.

Continue reading After what? Aftershock PC