The Science of Time Travel (and surviving it)


Day 3 of Romance Week and I don’t know if it should be in for the weekends or just until Friday, we’ll see!

In the world of romance, time travel is more of a normal occurrence than in science fiction. Seriously, if the person you are destined with is not in your current time line then obviously they’re in the past or the future!

Usually the past though.

Just cause then frilly dresses and kilts or horses are then involved.

Continue reading The Science of Time Travel (and surviving it)

Yu Dan lecture … and a little sweetness

Romance Week day 3 post will be soon after this but firstly…

Yu Dan Lecture – Sentiments About Eastern Intellect (感悟东方智慧)
Date: Wednesday, 8th July 2009
Venue: Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI)Jia Geng Auditorium
47 Hill Street S(179365)
Time: 7pm – 10pm

在 2009 新加坡作家节及本地出版商Pansing的支持下,南洋理工大学孔子学院及新加坡中华总商会邀请到曾在狮城引起轰动、风靡华人社会的中国”国学超女“于 丹,以《论语》这本蕴含卓越古人智慧的经典著作,为大家举行专场演讲,探讨与分析论语文化给予现代企业家的启示。


More info from their e-poster here. I can’t read/write (ironically I can somewhat understand) Chinese so I just copy pasted the info. Seats are limited so RSVP to Ms Lee Hee Boy at if you’re attending.


Since some people are curious over from my twitter side. This is the McD’s cinnamon melt I was talking about. Well official name is Cinammon Melts but it’s so weird to say it with a plural in my previous sentence.


It’s $2.50 and is best eaten there and not as a takeaway.

Continue reading Yu Dan lecture … and a little sweetness

Pirates, vikings and barbarians! Oh my!


It’s day 2 of Romance Week and if you haven’t noticed, I’m not doing the modern romance books but more of the historical/fantasy ones with people groping each other on the cover.


These books are sponsored by Arrch by the way. Yess.

Today we’ll learn some of the types of men in these books.

In romances, the lead hero is usually a pirate/ viking/ barbarian/ Scottish rogue/ baron/ chieftain/ utterly hot thing.

Continue reading Pirates, vikings and barbarians! Oh my!

If you’re using Google Reader and seeing spam, click this title!

OKAY, I got notified by one of my friends who uses Google Reader that my entries will look like SPAM if you’re using it.


Click the the thumbnail to see. So anyway, this is a NEW issue that came up with WordPress/Google Reader.

Apparently it just happened a week ago in my search to see if anyone else had it with their RSS feed being hijacked or something.

The spam doesn’t show if you’re using anything ELSE besides Google Reader. Heck if you check the exact address of my blog feed: , it doesn’t show.

At the moment, since this is new, I can’t fix it since I’m not some major hacker person or whatever. So I hope you guys who’re using RSS feeds to check my posts will understand and not use GR or instead click the main post to see it since I TOTALLY am not talking about viagra (correct post shows up only if you click the post even if preview is spammy).

Well, okay, I MIGHT write about it since romance week starts next week but in any case, it wouldn’t be bunches of random words strung together.

Hopefully WordPress/Google might find a fix for this issue soon.

With that, I will give you a haiku.

Le sigh viagra

Stupid spammers hijack me

How wonderful not 

Romance Week! Starts… next week.


With all these quarantine stuff and all at work/school freaking me out due to H1N1, I have proclaimed next week to be Romance Week!

That and cause my friend just sent me some new romance books. I figured I might as well make a week long episode of romance since I have quite a bit of things to say about it!

Stay tuned for romance week… next week! Feel free to publicize it cause… Oh man, it will be about the storylines and everything else that you might not possibly know about and have no idea WHY you’d wanna know about it.

Ps. I wish I could stay at home but noo, instead I get freaked out about news of people getting quarantined and stuff.