Buy Alienware Dell ?

You might be searching for alienware dell support or alienware dell help. Or even alienware dell singapore support or alienware dell singapore help.

This is page is not help.

And even if it was, you’re still not going to get help.

This is not my computer, but it’s my pal Pris. She bought an Alienware Dell PC including additional warranty and all she got was crap.

TL;DR if you wan to skim through:

Alienware Dell support is nonexistent in Singapore. She bought warranty. All she got was frustration as tech support bounced her around. They’re using outsourced tech support people and even they are frustrated at the parts Dell gave them. Refurbished motherboards that do not work. And she had to go through all social media channels to get help because their official lines didn’t.

The ‘tech support’ want to do it during office hours when she’s at work and that’s stupid. She managed to get it ‘post 6pm’ after complaining so much but the computer still doesn’t work since they didn’t go through it properly. As of now, her computer is still NOT working. Do not buy Alienware Dell. If you can help Pris get a new computer, even better. Please help. Alienware isn’t.

AND NOW FOR THE STORY because you all like drama.

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