I don’t want to run. But I need to run. I’m so sad. I’ll get over it but this is so sad.
I had been working out and apparently I put all my skill points into strength instead of balancing it out to stamina and speed. And the only way to get there is to run, there’s no other way to it.
I’m not the first female Singaporean pro-wrestler, that’s definitely Alexis Lee.
I’m not the first hijabi pro-wrestler, that’s very much Nor ‘Phoenix’ Diana.
But I’m very certain I’m the first Singaporean hijabi pro-wrestler.
Photo by Mezame
So hi, if you haven’t known me yet. It’s me, Sarah. And I’m very sure you might have a mutual who knows me if you don’t know me yet especially if you live in Singapore because we’re indeed a small country.
Note: This post is pretty long so I’ll break it up in a few sections