Meg Cabot Signing!

meet meg poster


So, it happened on the 6th October at 6pm. I made my Pa pick me up from work and send me straight to Borders, reaching there around 5.30pm or so and I went good grief at the crowd.

meg crowd 1

This is the front of me, there were hordes of girls in the queue of Borders and it trailed outside.

meg crowd 2

This is BEHIND ME and the line doubled up and increased as time went on. It was amusing however, as the girls behind me were freaking out about being able to meet her and stuff. Major amusement because the girls in front of me were doing the same.

It really WAS around 6pm (well 6.05 or 6pm exact, I can’t remember) she appeared from the escalator from the basement of Borders with a bouquet of flowers, probably from the distributer or publisher or Borders people there who brought her along.

meg flowers

And then everyone was like “Ogmogmogmgmogmogmg” but we (or rather I) didn’t want to scream MEEG MEEEG to startle her or anything as she walked towards the entrance but YESS, it was cool! She got in and we were all YAY.

meg other poster

So as we got closer to the door, you’d see this and everyone started going omgomgomgogm also!

meg so close

Once I got in, it’s not just that, IT IS STILL QUITE A LONG WAY OFF. As you can see the line zig zags and it’s totally cool cause you see parents buying new books for their daughters in the queue who are screaming “GET THAT ONE! THAT OOOONE!” so they can have Meg sign it when it’s their time.

Ah, I read on Meg’s blog before there were guidelines to a book signing and remembered to bring a post it to write my name on so she could quickly write my name and not typo it! The staff of borders gave post its to people in the line so they could do that and I was like “GLEE” since I didn’t have to use theirs. Heh, the method IS very effective.

If I get to be a famous writer in the future like that, I’d probably do the same thing since it’ll be horrid to typo anyone’s name on their books.

meg signing

Slowly but surely I got to her and it was around 6.50pm or something! Yes, there were A LOT of girls. I did get my books signed (Jinx, Avalon High and Airhead) by her and even got a picture but I won’t post that here, HUR HUR.

After thanking her, I gave her a little something! Since… She definitely couldn’t shop around Singapore or go sight seeing with what limited time she has here. I got her a book by us local Nanowrimoers, the So You Think You Can Write A Novel book and a merlion bookmark since those two should not contribute TOO much on “overweight” luggage fines if anything.

It was a brief encounter but she emailed me the next day thanking me too so double yay! She should be in Bangkok by now, seriously I have no idea how she does it since her book tour is SO very packed.


meg jinx signed

My books signed! I was rather worried since the papers were yellowing with spots and then I looked at others and they had the same thing so it’s definitely not me keeping my books in “bad” shape but more of the paper yellowing naturally which is kinda weird since it happens to these books. Definitely the paper since my other books don’t do this much.

Oh and if you’re curious, I usually censor my name so people won’t get confused online. DO NOT QUESTION MY LOGIC.

OH yes and remember I won an autographed t-shirt from Borders like I said in the previous post?

meg 94 winners

94 winners! Yes, I counted. Good grief, that’s a lot of t-shirts that she had to sign!

meg t-shirt front

You can see her signature in silver at the bottom of the crown. I had to try it since it said the size was S. Apparently I can wear it! BUT I AM NOT BECAUSE IT IS LE PRECIOUS TO MEEEE.

meg t-shirt back

The back of it! It IS rather nice and pretty hehehehe. OH and a bonus, all the winners got this too!

meg bookmark thing

Was it a charm bracelet… Lanyard thing…? And then I figured it out when I pulled the thing out of the package. It’s a fancy bookmark! I mean, DUH! Book event, pink thingy strap with charms at the end? It’s a BOOKMARK.

Okay, I know the crown is, well, a crown but I’m not sure what the blue thing is… A lock? I think it might be a lock… I THINK. If you guys know or have suggestions on what that blue thing is, feel free to comment.

In any case, YAY! Hurrah for Meg Cabot’s one day in Singapore!

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Well, this is seriously Sarah and that's all you need to know for now.

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