
OMG, FINALLY, my friend’s book no longer on “pre-order” status. I’d been waiting for her book : Orlando Ghosts: Rouse Road and Other Central Florida Haunts . Yeah, I know, it’s non-fiction or well it’s kinda historical myths and legends and stuff too. In any case, I was waiting so I can buy my books together to save on the shipping bits. What other else am I getting on Amazon?

Obviously things I can’t find here… Baah.

Like ohh…

PASSION’S BLOOD by Cherif Fortin and Lynn Sanders!!!!! Okay, it’s actually an ART BOOK. But not any art book.

It is a ROMANCE TRASHY ART BOOK!!!! Bet you guys didn’t know there’s such things as illustrated romance books… Plus their artworks’ gorgeous.


Cryptic Tonic’s out of print?! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Gee, thanks Amazon. All my saving up for time to get a bunch of books together is all for naught. Guuuh. Well, I suppose I could wait if it’ll be on order again or if in last case scenario wait till October-Novemberish when the author is supposedly is back here again, including the third book (I hope!).

Baaaaaah, at least Kinokuniya has the last book in my list which is Rapunzel’s Revenge by Shannon Hale, Dean Hale and Nathan Hale (no relation to the other two).

Oh wait, nevermind! The library has that one at least, yay!

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Well, this is seriously Sarah and that's all you need to know for now.

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