Just in case anyone’s curious on how I blog, I decide to detail my process on it!
Firstly, as you might see this is foremost a literary blog… but apparently it has my adventures on it. GUESS WHY!
That’s cause in between writing stories and such, well it’s good material, non? I can describe things like how one jumps off a building and swings along on a piece of rope or whatever. These events and adventures are pretty cool and it’s good to know how they work. Like research before you write!
Plus, it’s freaking cool to do things that your characters might do.
Secondly, others might want to know it too! So that’s why I blog. I blog for those who can’t do it because they’re not here or they can’t because they’re unable to for some reason. Or heck mostly for those who want to know.
I like to write events on how it is so that my friends and those who wanted to be there can read it like they’re there or at least generally know what happened.
Okay, now the process on how I do it!
Pretty much most pictures get cropped to 400px because my layout dies if it’s any bigger. Plus… I sometimes update or read using my eeepc and that size while it’s not TOO big, it’s not too small either for whatever stuff I take. It’s centered since it looks nice on most browsers that way anyway.
And oh you might notice that you always have to click “more” to read the rest of the post. I am an LJ-er. A live journal user and well, it annoys me if someone writes really long posts without doing an lj-cut. If I want to read something I’d click more instead of scrolling down and down and down to find the posts.
Well that’s one reason. The other is that beneath these cuts, there’s ton of photos so I rather not waste people’s bandwidth when they try to load all of them when hitting my page. Can you imagine how long it would take if I didn’t cut my posts? I’ve seen it happen with my fav bloggers and well, since they are famous and all that, well heck that, I’ll be patient and try to load it all before reading.
IÂ make blog post trailers. Yeah. I know. WHO even does that? It’s like a mini summary of the blog post so I put it on top if one doesn’t have time to read, they can watch what it’s about. It’s all recorded by my Vado HD and my pictures are all by a simple Canon digital ixus i 4 megapixels camera.
Cause hey, I’m not making POSTERS and that camera is good to hide in my sleeves, seriously. And yes, I manually edit my pictures. I makes much uuuughing but heck, if I wanna write a blog post, I’d do it properly!
So yeah, I’m from the school of if you wanna read about it, click it. If you don’t click it, you don’t read about it and won’t waste your tiiiime!
And that’s pretty much it… This is a short post! Hahaha! Most posts usually have their photos editted and then the content written out. If I did a video, I’d edit the video first before being able to post the post.
Oh and on the video? I usually make it under 1 minute since it is somewhat a trailer.
Nothing to it! Feel free to ask anything on it or something.
I have a question. What’s the font you use for those pictures where you have arrows pointing out stuff in the pictures? They look hand written but I’m not sure. Have been dying to find out about that one.
Hahahaha yesss, they’re hand written. I use my wacom for those since I don’t bother typing them out if there’s too little space!
COOL! you’re right, not everyone might have the time to do some stuff but are still interested. and for some who are just plain lazy to do those stuff or research but just wanted to know –like me. LOL