Day 28 of Circuit Breaker

Hello everyone, in Singapore it’s finally day 28 of the circuit breaker here. This post is really the shortest summary of what has happened lately.

For future people reading this, the circuit breaker is not really a lockdown but not really the same as Malaysia’s Movement Control Order.

We started ours on 7 April 2020 and it was first with the increase of work from home things, cinemas and entertainment places closed.

Eventually, food places were only available for takeaways or deliveries. Snack type or bubble tea stores were closed. There was a lot of confusion but we got through which shops are able to open and which aren’t…

Playing ACNH with a friend

Animal Crossing New Horizon’s is the game to play on the Switch which also contributed to the rush of wanting to get Switches by people since the gameplay kept on being everywhere. I mean, you get your own house and do activities in there like a more peaceful version of the current reality.

Switches are way overpriced and there’s a shortage of stock for now.

Aerith using a metal chair

Next is Final Fantasy 7 Remake and it’s not the whole game! It’s like 1/5 of the original game but very exciting.

I don’t have  playstation but watching the twitch streams of friends who play or on youtube is really like watching a movie.

It’s also Ramadhan now and there was the whole kerfuffle about home based businesses which by 12 May should be back to ‘normal’. You don’t need to know about it, it’s like a minor footnote in all this just know that the latest food trend is tahu begedil.

The numbers are rising for work permit holders who live in dormitories but most are asymptomatic. There have been new places built or set aside such as the Expo for quarantines,  in military camps, chalets etc.

Lots of initiatives from the government about relief funds and oh! It is compulsory to wear masks if you’re out in public. Students started home based learning which had a lot of adjustments from the teachers themselves too in the techniques of how they had to teach the class.

The June holidays are moved up to 5 May now instead due to the 3 weeks of CB.

There’s much more that I’m missing out in just this post because it’s just way too much and this is the most lightest ‘skim’ of the whole issue. If you were a time traveller, do not travel.

Avoid this time period.

I do not recommend this at all.

Delorean Eaglemoss kit

On a personal note, I’m continuing my Delorean build from when I paused during my production work. I should be able to catch up by the time shipments for the next issues are back.

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Well, this is seriously Sarah and that's all you need to know for now.

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