(The stickers are for those who come to the party or write-ins! The badge is mine.)
Quiet once more. Okay so I do have things to post but I am pretty occupied with planning for Nanowrimo anyway. The kick-off party that is. If you guys haven’t known, details are here:
Location: Earshot Cafe, The Arts House (near City Hall MRT)
Date: 31st October, Saturday
Time: 2pm-4pm
Dresscode: Under Cover
Yeah that’s the brief details that you might have read in an earlier post but meanwhile, I’m planning with my other co-ML what to put inside the goodie bags and they’re going to be literally punny.
MEANWHILE, preparations are being done. Wuuuaaargh. Also ideas, plotlines! Stuff! For Nanowrimo in November! If you guys haven’t tried it before, DO IT.
Well, if you like to write stories anyway.
Oh yes, click on that thumbnail for the eposter! Paste it on your blogs, people!