SG50? SG50!


I was invited to the second Engagement and Networking Session for SG50. I didn’t go to the first but since I was invited to check it out, might as well! I was interested in SG50 or what would happen then.

Ok, for you guys who haven’t heard about SG50, it’s about Singapore’s 50th birthday next year aka 2015!

You, yes you can do something for it. You just have to think about what you want to do.

Anyway, this networking session was for companies in private sectors to participate and help make the celebration meaningful and beneficial for their customers, employees and their families.

In the train

The beginning of the networking session was a little skit/play about Singapore’s past and to our present. It’s actually pretty touching and the actresses and the actors were really good.

They synced to the timing of what was on the screen so it really was like REAL.

Whoever did the whole production of this, wow ok? You guys were great.


It led up to celebrating the mother’s 50th birthday but from the dialogue and everything, the mother could also be taken as Singapore as she had gone through a lot and it has led to that.

Hey it's Adrian Pang!

Anyway, after that was a presentation of the various companies that are doing something for SG50! There’s so many of them but here’s a few to give you an idea.

Singapore Food Manufacturers’ Association (SFMA) is organising of a “Great Singapore Food Gift” Award, which aims to bring forward a recognised showcase of high value-added Food Gifts and strengthen the Singapore Brands. AKA it means YEAAAH we’ll get to know what those food are anyway and food here is a total Singapore thing.

Then, NATAS aka National Association of Travel Agents Singapore are offering professional tourist guide courses to some applicants aged 50 and above and also naturally discounts for travel. We’ll see next year, yesss.

A date to watch out for is going to be 11 April 2015 because that’s the youth festival and it’ll happen at our new stadium! There’s going to be a drum corp battle, a record breaking thing to have the largest display of school flags and a novelty football game.

The novelty football game is going to be amusing. Because it’ll involved primary school kids versus-ing professional players.

One of the ministers.

Oh hey, it’s Mr Chan Chun Sing, the adviser to the SG50 partnership committee. Anyway, he did say you or your company can try pitch to the SG50 people if you want to do a project. Mostly make sure your thing is for the whole community or at least not a selfish mememe thing?

If you want to do a project for SG50, think of it as a whole for others, not for yourself.

The official mainstream news channels would have written about it too but what I took from it, is even if you’re not a big organization, you can do something if you want to for next year’s celebration.

It's Nila!


It’s Nila! The mascot for the new sports hub. He’s one cool cat lion. With his own business card too. I totally networked with him.

Ok, more like I took a picture with him, heh heh.

Dawn celebrates SG49

With that, for SG49 aka 2014, Dawn here celebrated the national day, may our SG50 be good.

Oh and there is going to be another networking session on the 26th? Check it out here:

The link will probably be gone after the 26th so yeah.

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Well, this is seriously Sarah and that's all you need to know for now.

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