Eat like a Champ at Mahota!

On the road to DBS Marina Regatta 2018, one must eat like a champion to be a CHAMPION!!!!

Ok, ok. There was a sharing session by May Schooling (Joseph Schooling’s mother) on how she feeds her son and Benson the chef at Mahota on healthier cooking.

May Schooling told us for breakfast pretty much she makes fruit smoothies for her son. I thought that that was pretty simple, I could do that. Just choose my fruits, freeze in portions like what she does and then just blender it together with Greek yogurt and milk.

And then especially since he does train a lot, cheese toasties help for him since he does need carb replacement for energy so he wouldn’t “lose muscle”.

There’s parmesan for the umami melted in this toasty too but it is a simple enough recipe.

Then we have demos by chef Benson of Mahota. One was a ‘healthier’ nasi lemak where the nasi was actually CAULIFLOWER?!

I need to make more cauliflower as rice since I am doing a low carb thing… In general.

Anyway, another recipe was a “Milo” because one of his sons was lactose intolerant and couldn’t drink the normal Milo. Instead, this recipe is made of avocado, almond milk, cacao powder, cocoa powder and coconut water. I can’t remember if there was a plant sugar added but mostly it tasted good and it really depends on how rich you want it to taste.

Apparently since almond milk is very clear, to get that ‘rich’ taste on how regular milk is, you can add avocado cause that’s buttery.

All the ingredients were available at Mahota at Kitchener Complex so that’s convenient if I ever want to go buy it.

Double convenient cause it’s the same building where my comic store (G&B) and ukulele shop (Ukulele Movement) is at right now.

There was one more recipe he demo-ed which was a protein bar and after that, we got to try it on our own.

Alright, a spirulina protein bar. Let’s do this.

Dates are totally delicious but I haven’t tried spirulina before.

OK I TRIED IT. That’s my bar? It looks like a bar but anyway I brought it home to chill in the fridge as stated by him to get it more set and then ATE IT.

Results: I liked it.

But then dates are sweet and dates plus oats and anything else tastes good to me. Heheheh, so ok. I now have learned how to make my own protein bar!

Anyway besides this workshop, you should check out the main page of this year’s DBS Marina Regatta since there’s a lot of workshops you can sign up for before the actual day.

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Well, this is seriously Sarah and that's all you need to know for now.

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