Escape from Reality

Escape from Reality

Asian Science Fiction and Fantasy (an imprint of Two Trees) is calling for submissions for a fantasy short story anthology to be published in 2015.

DEADLINE: 7 march 2015

Email submissions only:


Open to Singaporeans and Malaysians anywhere
Open to anyone living in Singapore and Malaysia
Open to any age, any educational background, any outlook

For more details check out:

GUYSSS. Always saw those tumblr prompts or wanted to write a story with them? WELL. You should try it for this.

Also… yes. Any ‘outlook’ is our code for WRITE WHATEVERS YOU FEEL and by any outlook, you should know what I mean.

Your characters can like anything or anyone they like as long as it makes sense.

Anything as long it is FUN to read. That’s our criteria. It better be entertaining and fun and not with IN YOUR FACE agenda. It can have the message inside but no blatant ones because the main thing is that the story has to be engaging read.

Do look through the pdf in the fine details, it’ll tell you how to submit your story.

Basically, when you’re feeling down. Or bored and you want to read something that takes you away from all this. That’s what we’re looking for. Write something that takes you away somewhere else.

It can be urban fantasy, fantasy fantasy, high fantasy, soft fantasy.

Just… just take us away, ok?

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Well, this is seriously Sarah and that's all you need to know for now.

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