Mentor Access Project applications (update with forms!)

Hey remember my post about the MAP earlier on and that you had to email to ask for the latest application form? I emailed and since I’m sure it might get spammy or anything to them, I’ve decided to upload it so you guys can have it too.

Oddly, I can’t find the announcement of MAP on the NAC site. I got the first info via my sgarts email so it was posted by someone who had the “official” statement and all. How weird. I must have missed the webpage or something.

Oh yeah, since I was interested in plays, I asked to clarify regarding the “one play” in their requirements for the people to peruse. Apparently it can be any length as long as it shows how you write and all. So a ten minute or a sixty minute one etc is pretty fine. Of course, any further questions just email them at .

Meanwhile the summarized info:

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