The 3Ds to winning story competitions in Singapore

Mind you, a disclaimer, I’m totally not a judge of any official writing events or an award winning writer or some teacher or whatever. Heck, you can even see that I’m not writing “proper” here. I am just me. A normal typical person.

Okay, I had to laugh insanely a bit there at the previous line.

ANYWHO! Yes, from my observations, you need the 3Ds to win story competitions in Singapore. Mind you, the 3Ds don’t count if it has a specific genre like chic-lit or romance or science fiction (I forgot the name of that event but yes, there was a sci-fi comp for students last year or so).

You need the 3Ds to win in open story competitions where you’re allowed to write whatever story you want. Only you know, that’s not true. You’re allowed to write whatever story you want but the winners will always be the ones that have the 3Ds. What are they?

The 3Ds by Seriously Sarah:

  • Descriptive
  • Dramatic
  • Depressive

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