Not the Epilogue

Never stop exploring

4 January 2014 – Ventriloquism workshop at Bukit Merah Library

6 January 2014 – Game programming for Windows & iPhone at the Central Library

11 January 2014 – Run for Your Lives Asia

15 February 2014 – Marina Run

8 March 2014 – Venus Run

27 April 2014 – Run350

That’s what I’ve already registered myself to while the early bird offer is on for Marina Run and Run350, plus the Venus Run I managed to get a discount by registering with pals.

By the way, the programmes at the library I registered for are free and it’s more of first come, first served! There’s lots of cool workshops and you can check out the Go Library events or Read Singapore’s workshops. These ones are for January to March 2014.

I know the leather crafting workshop is totally full for the first run in January, heh.

But ok, it looks like I’ve got myself into a run a month until April. They’re all very short runs, 5km only and I’ve been lost or going around in circles before for that amount of distance.

The longest run I’ve signed up for is Run 350 and that’ll be for 10km.

I’ve joined the Marina Run’s fun run because you get to play with water pistols, Run for Your Lives Asia for obvious obstacles, Venus run so I can run with my gal pals and lastly Run 350 because well, it was NTUC’s run and kinda cheap and is the ‘last’ run from this list so maybe I can do 10km by then?

It’ll be interesting if I can do a run a month for 2014 but then, probably not for June since fasting month is then.

I don’t really want to run run for long distances, I prefer the fun types where you do other things too.

So I’ve kinda plotted what I want to do for 2014. Did you know Singapore Writers Festival theme then would be The Prospect of Beauty?

I aim to be in it and to do a book (WIP TITLE) Belles of the Ball.

Only that I’d probably get it printed myself and only open to pre-orders.

It’s not an ordinary book.

It’ll be a game book.

Choose your own adventure! We’ll see how it goes.


So how was 2013? It’s been cool. I got to go to IKEA and eat meatballs. I know, I know.

I usually don’t actually go to IKEA so this was the first of the year for me to actually eating the meatballs there.

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