It’s really just books actually

Bubble G.U.M!

SEE THIS BOOK? It’s Bubble G.U.M and it’s in stock at Books Actually if you’re not buying it online here. BUY it this 21st to 30 April especially from Books Actually. Why? Look at this message:

Dear Customers/Friends of BooksActually:

We humbly ask another big favour of you: please drop by to buy books/vintage trinkets for yourself, your friends, family, or all your loved ones. From 21st to 30th April, we will hold a 10-Day 25%-Storewide Sale to raise money so we can buy a new shop space for our bookstore. (WE REALLY NEED TO STOP RENTING/THEY HAVE TO STOP INCREASING OUR RENT.)

We are finally crossing the next step and making one of our biggest strides forward.

BooksActually is not what it is today without the people who have walked through our doors for the past (almost) nine years. They are that German gentleman who comes in every other day to buy a book before heading over to Jerry’s for a jug of beer; that family who visits us every Sunday after breakfast across the street; the father who comes every Christmas to buy books for his missus and three daughters; the writer who sits behind our counter on quiet afternoons helping us to stamp-chop paper-bags; or the young dating couple who took a picture of themselves in a giant birdcage, creating an illusion of lovebirds (their son is now almost two).

The bookstore is not what it is today without every single one of you who has loved us, hated us, and lightly nudged (or forcibly pushed) us to move forward — to be better, climb higher and dream bigger.

With our deepest gratitude,
The BooksActually Team

So yeah. Cause it’s silly if their rent keeps increasing and whatnot. They might as well buy a piece of property to keep things low since the price of rent is ridiculous. THUS! BUY A BOOK or some random goods from them.

There’s stationery, bags, vintage gear too. If you have no idea what to buy, here’s a suggested list of BOOKS by my friends and me:

Continue reading It’s really just books actually