Book Exchange 2010!

It’s the book exchange at the library again!

Give a book. Get a book. The infinite book exchange.

Give a book, get a book at the Book Exchange! Drop off your used books* at any Public Library from 10 to 23 April, 11.00am to 9.00pm and get a coupon for every book** accepted. Bring your coupon down to The Plaza, National Library Building, on 24 April to redeem for new reads.

Date: Sat, 24 April 2010
Time: 8.30am to 6.00pm
Venue: The Plaza, National Library Building, 100 Victoria Street

*We accept children’s and adults’ fiction and non-fiction books (eg. Cookbooks, travel guides and romance novels) in any four official languages. Books in other languages will not be accepted. We also accept used library books bought from previous Library Book Sales. Textbooks, magazines and audio-visual materials are not accepted. Used books for exchange should be in relatively good physical condition.

**Each person can exchange up to a maximum of 30 used books.

For enquiries, please call NLB Helpdesk at 6332 3255 or email:

Like last year, remember to get your COUPONS first! You use them to exchange for books on the 24th. You can exchange your book for coupons at ANY public library but you can only get the books at the main library on the 24th!