Here’s the sitch. I need your help in voting for me before the deadline of the 24th March. Let me do the important details first.
To vote, you need to register. Yes, I hate when you need to register to vote especially when the form is lengthy.
Register here: http://www.360withoutborders.com/register.aspx (the link will open to a new window once you click that)
Yes, it’s lengthy and you don’t have to put your real phone number there cause why should they need it?! but please register so you can vote for me.
The second step is to find me. The website is HORRIBLY user unfriendly, PLEASE, please get through this though and find me at http://www.360withoutborders.com/NMAQuest/contestants.aspx . Some other contestants that I read who are asking votes from their friends have also stated this so yes, please get through. At the moment of this POST, I’m around page 4 however depending on how many votes I have, I’d move up and be on a different page! Ideally I should be on page 3 or less because there’s 15 top audience votes and 10 judge picks for a finalist of 25 people.
Vote for Sarah Coldheart! You’ll see my icon with the pink hair and horns from the last Nanowrimo Kick Off party. It should be obvious.
If the website is erroring on you, PLEASE try again later at least before the last day of the 24th. I can’t find the “contact” page to inform them if the website is broken so please be patient with this.
WHY do I want you to vote?
I’m putting it upfront, a copy paste of the prizes for me if you will.
Each *SCAPE New Media Ambassador will win:
- the title of *SCAPE New Media Ambassador 2010
- one return trip to London sponsored by Hard Rock Cafe (Singapore)
- one year StarHub mobile subscription (worth $6,000)
- one year Creative Services contract with GRID MMS at $500 per month
AND a private Golden Village movie screening that each winner can enjoy with 20 friends!
There you go but I don’t want to be an ambassador because of the prizes here. I want to be an ambassador because of YOU. Or rather the building. EVEN if I don’t win overall ambassador, I want to be top 25 so the people there will remember me, WHY?
Because of YOU GUYS or rather for some of you, because of NANOWRIMO and fiction writing. It’s no secret that we operate on no funds or donations or whatever since Nanowrimo is a volunteer thing. We, the municipal liaisons would save money or if we are able to, we can try for grants from the NAC but now is a matter of SPACE. We need a space to hold our writing sessions and you guys are all ages thus we want something family friendly! NOTE THE NEW SCAPE BUILDING!!
If I can be an ambassador or at least one of the most memorable people in the finalists, perhaps I can find out and get a space for Nanowrimo 2010 and for other fiction writing events too! After all, besides Nano, there’s Script Frenzy OR we can even have our own local writing sessions and stuff there. And hold on there, aren’t you YOUTHS too? (And if you’re not a youth, you’re still a youth at heart, darn it!)
Being an ambassador will not be TRA LA LA fun with the prizes, no. There will be duties and such to do too, you know how I can work this thing out.
RESULTS will be on the 27th March so that isn’t too long of a wait too. SO PLEASE, help vote!
Continue reading A vote for me is a vote for FUN fiction!