Free Vlogging workshop!

Helloooo everyone!

Just for this 4 April, 3pm-5pm at level 5 of Scape, in The Arena, we’ll be holding a vlog workshop for FREE.

You can sign up here:

Why is it free? Well.


Scape lets us rent the place for half a day a minimum and we are holding some other event in the evening leaving the afternoon unused.

So instead why not teach people who might be interested to know how to vlog at home or at events they’re at? That’s why you’re getting a free vlogging workshop!

Yeah, I’ll be there too so yeah, if you’re interested just sign up.

If you don’t have a camera, a phone works too. Basically I will teach what’s the cheapest way to do things and scale up if you’re interested to make things even more wow.

The Christmas Coup!

The Christmas Coup!

It is the Winter Solstice, and naughty elves have spirited Santa Claus away. Without him to spread the Christmas cheer, winter will never end, and spring will never come. The clock is ticking. Can you find him before the day is over, or will the world be locked in darkness forever?

It’s an escape game run by The Guild in conjunction with *SCAPE’s Naughty Or Nice fair from 9-11 December.

In these three days, the sessions for the game runs at 12pm, 3pm and 6pm.

Starting location: *SCAPE Carpark and Playpace, 2 Orchard Link, Singapore 237978

You can get tickets at

BUT WAIT, scroll down and read the rest of this post (I have discount codes for you) to know more about the game.

Continue reading The Christmas Coup!

ICDS 2014 (part 1)

Dat Baka!

International Cosplay Day 2014 was quite an exciting day that I’ll have to split my posts into two. This is the general event reaction post. Interview with the special guests will be on another!

Anyway, it started off with Dat Baka saying hello to us, introduced by Jason, the organizer of the event.

The line for his autograph.

After a little session on stage with opportunities for people to take photographs, it was meet and greet session. Mind you, this was early in the morning and that was how his queue looked like, heh.

Heroes of the Storm?

Alright the free zone was quite nice since you could still try out demos and visit the ‘corporate’ booths. This was Asiasoft’s Heroes of the Storm set up. Too bad I didn’t have anyone with me that day or I’d take a picture and pose with the vehicle.

Heroes of the storm!

Right now it’s in beta and if you want to sign up, head to the Heroes of the Storm website and follow the instructions and wait till you get access.

Continue reading ICDS 2014 (part 1)

Prepare for ICDS!

Media meet for ICDS

I got invited to the media meet for International Cosplay Day Singapore aka ICDS because I’m one of the media partners for this event! WOOOH.

Let me give you the short details.

It’s on 24 August at *SCAPE and starts from 11am to 7pm.

There are a few price ranges this year including free. SO YEAH. Do look at the price ranges on their website here including where to buy the tickets.

And now, what is going to happen there?

Continue reading Prepare for ICDS!

Maker Faire 2013!

The warehouse of scape!

Don’t say I never told you Maker Faire exists in Singapore. Of course, you’re too late to attend 2013’s since that just happened last weeked on 27th-28th July at *Scape warehouse! This is also in conjunction with the Science Buskers Festival.

I like this year’s because last year it was held in the… paid area… of the Science centre and I went there in the afternoon so it wasn’t worth paying mucho moolah when I wouldn’t have enough time to explore the centre itself. Which led me to play some other stuff outside of the science centre but still in the building itself.

Maker Faire! Ok, it’s called mini Maker Faire and it’s really fun since they have workshops and talks lined up. I wasn’t there for any of the talks since I was too late to sign up for some of them. Haaa. They’re popular so if you ever want to go to a talk, just CLICK REGISTER when the next Maker Faire is up.

Instead, I got to go around the booths! Yay! That was free since no entry fee at *Scape. (Except for some workshops, duh.)

Continue reading Maker Faire 2013!