Let’s write some stories!

Talk/Discussion on Writing Real Life Speculative Fiction

Admission: Free

Location: Central library, multipurpose room (basement)

When: 24 September, Saturday, 6pm

Come on down if you’re interested in learning how to write fiction and yes, finally we have this once more since it was postponed by the elections. Gee.


The same weekend has a WaterFire® art installation by Barnaby Evans at Bedok Reservoir. Main programme starts at 6pm but the fires light up at 7.40pm for 24th and 25th September. I know I’ll be going to the one on Sunday. Would be lovely to check it out and get inspiration and whatnot.

Click the picture above to see the full programme!

Also, what’s this…?

Oooh a Comics Xchange?

Continue reading Let’s write some stories!

Of writery stuff

Quite a few interesting events! Firstly on Saturday…

Lauren Kate Signings in Singapore

Lauren Kate, writer of the Fallen series will be here in Singapore on 9 July 2011!

Serangoon Public Library 12:00-1:00pm  Edit: A comment from library staff below informs that it is now  12:30-1:30pm

Borders Wheelock Place 2:30-3:30pm

Kinokuniya Singapore Main Store 4:30-5:30pm

Jurong Regional Library 6:30-7:30pm *just added

Considering I have a party to host in the evening with things to prepare, I’m probably going to the session at the Serangoon library. Now, to figure how to get there…

Next up, we have:

Continue reading Of writery stuff

SDS 3.3 – Written in the Stars

The Asian Festival of Children’s Content was on the 26-28 May 2011. I got registered for it and since it did cost quite a bit, here are some highlights and notes from the conferences! It is a literary adventure for this episode. The conferences and workshops were held at the Arts House.

Continue reading SDS 3.3 – Written in the Stars

Saturday is the day after Friday

Ahhh, lots of events on Saturday, 28 May!

Firstly, there is an Intro to Creative Writing talk/ workshop at the National Library, Multipurpose Room, basement 1, 2pm. It is FREE so come on by if you want to talk or learn more on creative writing and ask questions on it.

Secondly, we have a discussion talk that is FREE too at Spore-Con! That will be from 11am-12pm. It is about Writing Genre Fiction in Singapore! Click the link to know more plus you might be interested in going for some of the tournaments or games at the convention itself.

Yes, we’ll be going to Spore-Con and then to the library! Do come for either though the one at the library will be more on writing while the one at Spore-Con will be more on a discussion of the state of writing genre fiction here.

On the side that is not organized by us, there will also be The Asian Festival of Children’s Content! That is not free though and you have to pay for the conference fees. That will be at the Arts House, just in case you’re heading that direction and wondering what is up with all the people since the Cats of the World exhibition is there too.

Lastly, there is a Superheroes as a social commentary talk at the Esplanade library at 4.30pm by a screenwriting lecturer from the Puttnam School of Film, LASALLE College of the Arts.

What is up with Saturday indeed. Well, I hope to see at least some of you guys at either the library or Spore-Con!

Of Book Launches and Readings!

Two books, two different genres and two different places! You get the idea.

The first one is Wolf at the Door by one of our writer friends, Joyce. It’s an ebook so you can buy it only online here. She’s having a book launch/reading party this week too!

Location: The Garden Slug

Date and Time: 14 April, 7.30pm

You can check more details and the map on how to get there on her blog here and to RSVP to her too. It’s an URBAN FANTASY story of werewolves in Singapore, check the book out! TAKE THAT PEOPLE, we have genre writers here.

The next book event is BUBBLE G.U.M.!

That’s the poster that you are not going to see at the event at Ion. Hahahaha. ANYWAY, yes come to our reading/signing.

Location: Orchard Ion’s Prologue bookstore

Date and time: 19 April, 7pm

Ours is young adult science fiction. You can buy the book at the store itself or online here with shipping. It is also stocked at Books Actually! So yes, do come to either of the events and say hello… and buy.

Book signing and talk for An Irish Tour of Singapore

Hello everyone! There’s a book signing and talk for “An Irish Tour of Singapore“! If you like history and want to know more about the Irish here, check it out! Also, I’ve read this book before and it’s so definitely not like a boring history book. Go listen to the talk to see why!

Short details:

Location: Orchard Ion’s Prologue book store

Date and Time: 26 March 2011 (Saturday), 3pm

Yes! Also click the more cut underneath here to check out the dinosaur we helped decorate for this talk and book signing!

Continue reading Book signing and talk for An Irish Tour of Singapore

The Story and the Pitch!

Hello everyone! I received something interesting in my email yesterday. Apparently there’s a workshop by a literary agency (!!) in Singapore. More details after the cut but briefly, it’s by Peony Literary Agency. This workshop will be more on pitching and how to snag yourself an agent amongst other things.

Short details: At the Arts House, 10am – 5pm, Friday, 25 February 2011, $40 for registry (includes lunch)

This is going to be an intro to that would lead to their weekend workshops in August. I’d think that would be more extensive (and more expensive[?] since it’ll be TWO days at a conference) but if you can’t go for this Friday one, they’ll have more in the future. Still, this looks promising so check out the main details after the “more” cut. I’m going to be there to attend anyway.

Here’s the copy paste from the email!

Continue reading The Story and the Pitch!

STGCC: And for those who make it fun

The Singapore Toys, Games, Comics Convention 2010 starts tomorrow! Hurray! They’ve got the line up and “who’s who” up at their website now including the name of the shops. However, I’d like to focus on SOME people who aren’t “special guest stars” but who make the convention fun. They range from the various shops, to the organizations and even media people! I got to talk or rather email some of the people below so heh, you guys will get to know more on them!

Continue reading STGCC: And for those who make it fun

Director’s cut of the story of Yeh Chi Wei

Last Saturday, which was pretty much the fourth of September had me going to the Singapore Arts Museum in the evening. This is the same day of what you’ll see in the next episode of SDS, heh heh. I was invited to this special session by@brainopera about Yeh Chi Wei which was going to be talk/tour by his granddaughter, Jacey Yeh! The tour is technically called “The (other) story of Yeh Chi Wei” but to me it’s like a director’s cut version of his story!

LE GASP indeed!

By the way, the exhibition is on until 12 September. ALSO, I read that she’ll be doing a tour on the 11th at around 5pm. Contact the museum prior to that or something. EDIT: Email Ms. Masitah Ismail (Education Officer) at masitah_ismail@nhb.gov.sg for the tour!

Continue reading Director’s cut of the story of Yeh Chi Wei