Not the Epilogue

Never stop exploring

4 January 2014 – Ventriloquism workshop at Bukit Merah Library

6 January 2014 – Game programming for Windows & iPhone at the Central Library

11 January 2014 – Run for Your Lives Asia

15 February 2014 – Marina Run

8 March 2014 – Venus Run

27 April 2014 – Run350

That’s what I’ve already registered myself to while the early bird offer is on for Marina Run and Run350, plus the Venus Run I managed to get a discount by registering with pals.

By the way, the programmes at the library I registered for are free and it’s more of first come, first served! There’s lots of cool workshops and you can check out the Go Library events or Read Singapore’s workshops. These ones are for January to March 2014.

I know the leather crafting workshop is totally full for the first run in January, heh.

But ok, it looks like I’ve got myself into a run a month until April. They’re all very short runs, 5km only and I’ve been lost or going around in circles before for that amount of distance.

The longest run I’ve signed up for is Run 350 and that’ll be for 10km.

I’ve joined the Marina Run’s fun run because you get to play with water pistols, Run for Your Lives Asia for obvious obstacles, Venus run so I can run with my gal pals and lastly Run 350 because well, it was NTUC’s run and kinda cheap and is the ‘last’ run from this list so maybe I can do 10km by then?

It’ll be interesting if I can do a run a month for 2014 but then, probably not for June since fasting month is then.

I don’t really want to run run for long distances, I prefer the fun types where you do other things too.

So I’ve kinda plotted what I want to do for 2014. Did you know Singapore Writers Festival theme then would be The Prospect of Beauty?

I aim to be in it and to do a book (WIP TITLE) Belles of the Ball.

Only that I’d probably get it printed myself and only open to pre-orders.

It’s not an ordinary book.

It’ll be a game book.

Choose your own adventure! We’ll see how it goes.


So how was 2013? It’s been cool. I got to go to IKEA and eat meatballs. I know, I know.

I usually don’t actually go to IKEA so this was the first of the year for me to actually eating the meatballs there.

Continue reading Not the Epilogue

Land of the Meat Munchers!

Land of the Meat Munchers!

Land of the Meat Munchers is by Nicholas Yong aka Incoherent Boy! It’s his first novel and it’s pretty fun! Think of it as young adult adventure book?

Basically it’s a zombie story SET IN SINGAPORE.

If you didn’t know in Singapore, we don’t have guns or ballistic weaponry easily but Nick managed to get it all believable even if we didn’t have them in this post zombie apocalyptic world!

Continue reading Land of the Meat Munchers!



This was my horoscope for the day. Commando Challenge was on Sunday and my slot with Tashigi was 1pm.

I have never done an obstacle course run before, well, except for Race the Dead. Actually before this, the only runs I’ve been to was The New Paper’s Big Walks and those were walks. So for 2013, I did 2 major runs with obstacles in the second half of the year. Yaaay.

Also, since I had pretty much fun even if RtD was mostly “Stupid, stupid sand!” and this Commando Challenge was pretty much “Stupid, stupid mud!”, I signed up for next year’s Run for Your Lives Asia which I hope will not be “Stupid, stupid concrete!”.

OH AND YEAH, my friend recommended me to check out the Running Guild’s calendar so I can totally get the early bird prices for events instead of finding out in the last minute.

I am tempted to go to NTUC’s Run350 and the Venus Run because they’re just 5km. There’s also the Marina Run which I see they have a fun run where you shoot each other with water pistols too. INTERESTING.

Mostly, I’m also thinking “OOOOH, it will make for nice video footage” because heck, if I do a lot of runs next year, I can also compile with my ‘first’ few runs which is pretty much RtD and CC and then at the end of 2014, I’ll have a short POV video of me running around Singapore.

Not sure if I’m into fitness or footage.

I don’t like to run so much but I do like scenery and obstacles if there are any.

The railway station!

Anywho, here’s some pictures from Commando Challenge! It was at Tanjong Pagar Railway Station. My route was just 4km and totally not the area I trekked through. Technically it was the opposite side from my adventure last time.

Continue reading Commando CHALLENGED!

Wow, so snow and so fitness

Firstly, Max and I did a Malay version of Love is an Open Door from Frozen. You can read the lyrics by him here if you want to.

It’s cause we learned that Malaysia is getting a Malay dub version of Frozen called Anna dan Permaisuri Salji. Also, they actually have “Let it Go” as “Bebaskan“.

How WILL the actual Malay version of Love is an Open Door sound like? We will be in hysterics if it actually sounds anything like our dub. For that ‘sandwich’ part in the original song we changed ours to “We finish each others’ sandwiches” to “We finish each others’ chicken” because ayam sounds closest to ayat.

Sorta selfie

Oh and I’m going to the Commando Challenge this SUNDAY! You guys can be spectators if you want. My slot is at 1pm and I’ll be going with Tash.

Now, I do training twice a week but I don’t post myself since my phone is not optimized for selfies and we work out, outdoors. Hence, there are no mirrors and the closest selfie of me working out you can get is a picture of me taking my legs there.

Continue reading Wow, so snow and so fitness

Momento Mori: Too Fast Not Furious

With their seniors

Momento Mori actually was the first team to finish their production this year! They actually finished it on Wednesday of the third week and spent the rest of their time doing their own things.

Also, they were trying to be discreet so that they wouldn’t bug the other teams who were stressing out.

Heh, here they are showing their piece to their seniors who decided to visit them on the wrap party day!

Like my other team (The 4 of Us II), I didn’t want to watch their production since I wanted to be SURPRISED when I get to watch it with everyone else when it is uploaded.

Oooh the balloons.

They really work hard and play EVEN HARDER.

They shared!

Also, they were one of the most memorable teams in there too. Someone asked why did they have nail polish on and they answered, “Because… our instructor is a bimbo” and everyone burst out laughing.

No, (disclaimer alert) she is not a bimbo but she helped paint their nails since they had time for it like a group bonding thing!

Yam seng!

After the pulling of poppers, it was yam seng! Everyone got a cup of sparkly grape juice and started yam seng-ing.

It's food!

And once it was all done and everyone cheered, it was time to eat!

Gathering stuff...?

I was wondering what the heck were they doing… THEY WERE COMPILING THE CONFETTI ON THE GROUND and then they threw them at meeeee.

It was like a snowball fight but with confetti instead.

Dance Central!

After the floor games outside we all were ushered inside the tents where the filming of other teams’ production were at. Only this time, the set ups were removed and instead it was a giant projection of Dance Central on the screen.

Here’s the first two dancers for the game. It was a match between all the different teams there. Besides Dance Central, eventually there was also Rock Band.

All for fun of course.


Have a bunch of Momento Mori-s jumping in the dark!

Please go to N.E.Mation, like the facebook and then click on Momento Mori in the top 10 teams tab to like them.

They need as much support they can get. Look, look how many people liked their page so please get your friends and others to like them too.

The 4 of Us II : To the end.

One day more!

One day more~~~ That was pasted on the doors on Friday! It was wrap party day.

Still doing it!


The 4 of Us II were busily finishing up their files! Just the small parts to export and then save their back ups.

Still uploading!

Slowly but surely the files are getting into the main hard disk where all the backups are in. LAST DAY TO FINISH UP EVERYTHING, AHHH. I left the girls to do their things without me bugging them there and returned only shortly after before the wrap party would begin.

Their edit!

Yay! They could pretty much see how their whole video would look like.

I didn’t want to watch the full one because I didn’t want to be spoilered on how it’d be even if I knew the story.

I’ll watch the full version same as everyone when it gets online.

Sharing session!

Finally, everyone had to save and leave their tents and get to the briefing area where the wrap party would start. Yes, there are lots of balloons there. They shared us about their experience and about the software and they did actually talk about their chrysanthemums.

Press it!

After all the teams shared their experiences, it’s time to party! They were all given poppers to use.

Confetti yay!


Mr Joshua!

And then games were to be had. This is Mr Joshua hosting the game called “Hello Henry, Yes Henry, Tell Henry”.

It’s a really fun party game and it can get confusing. If you say the wrong thing, you get a dot of toothpaste on your nose.


Hahah, even their instructor (the one in the black jacket and pink pants) didn’t get it right! Don’t forget to like N.E.mation on facebook and like The 4 of Us II!

They’re in the studios at the day of this post! The 4 of Us II just has to export their Total Defence logo with their team name on it and also help clean up their tent.

Today is the day when all the equipment will be packed away so let’s cheer on The 4 of Us II to finish up all the files so they can finally rest at home.



I have one more movie pass left that expires in March so that leaves me with one more movie to wait and save it for. I’ve used the other two on Hunger Games: Catching Fire (YES IT IS GOOD) and now Frozen.

Feel free to give me movie passes if you want or invite me to movie premieres since I can’t afford all of them but what I can afford are words. AND AFTER WATCHING TWO TEMPERATURE EXTREMES (Catching Fire and heh, Frozen), both give different feels but… NOT TOO DIFFERENT?

Well, there’s less killing in Frozen since it’s an animated Disney movie, duh.

I was a bit meh meh about Frozen because of the whole “femme faces are sooo hard to animate” etc etc debacle but ok, besides that I will tell you, this story is NOT Snow Queen at all.

The plot is basically, pretend that I am the princess with the snow powers with a sister. What would I do? Heck yes, I would do all that and sing while at it. Because I can be an idiot too about it.



Buckets of it?

One I would not recommend watching in 3d because it’s so hard when your tears start to pond in the glasses. Yeah, that’s for the beginning of the movie. And maybe the end too. And perhaps the middle…

I think I’m not going to watch 3d movies until they start making drainage systems in 3d glasses.

I watched it in 2d so it was all cool.


Continue reading Frozen